You are currently viewing GCNSW Geo-Discovery Series #3: Jindabyne

As the home of Perisher and Thredbo ski resorts and Australia’s highest peak Mt Kosciusko, the south-east NSW alpine town of Jindabyne has long been a favourite destination for both local and international adventure seekers. With an abundance of ski and MTB trails to be found on the mountain and plenty of watersports and fishing available on Lake Jindabyne, it is easy to see why fans of the great outdoors flock here all year round.

Naturally in a location as stunning as this, you won’t be short of noteworthy and picturesque caches to target. These are our top picks:


Kosciuszko Tops (GCNEFX): Jindy boasts another claim to fame too – the location of Australia’s highest geocache container! This one is a must do if you are a geo-stat geek Take note though, that this cache can only be reached by foot and is a 13km return hike from the top of the Kosciuszko Express Chairlift. Play it safe and take note of the advice on the cache page if you plan to grab this one! Jindy Views (GCPW7X): Get your camera ready as in our humble opinion, this one has the best views of the lake and the dam.

Lion Island (GC4W955): Did we mention watersports?! Make sure you strap the kayak to the top of the geo-mobile or bring along a confident swimmer so you can grab this T5!

Seaman’s Hut (GC8924E): If long walks, high altitude, and unique locations are your thing then don’t pass up this virtual which will take you to this remote alpine shelter built in memory of two skiers who perished in a blizzard almost 100 years ago. Once again – heed the advice on the page if you plan to head out to this one.

Thredbo Pipeline Trail No 1 (GC5JABQ): Keen for a walking tour of Thredbo? The Pipeline Trail is where you need to be. This series of 6 caches encompasses views of the slopes, river and village and can be started in either direction.

Mount Kosciosko EarthCache (GC1YH53): Situated at the summit of the 2,228m tall Mount Kosciosko within Kosciuszko National Park, this earthcache will not only provide you with the opportunity to pick up your 2nd smiley at the peak but also make some cool observations about the geology around you. Once again – check out the cache page for advice around how to reach the earthcache and safety considerations for doing so.

What’s great about Jindabyne is its proximity to three Australian states and territories – a 5 hour drive from Sydney, 7 from Melbourne and just 2 hours from Canberra makes this an extremely accessible and attractive geo-holiday destination! So add the above caches to your list, dig out your skis or your MTB and start planning your Jindy cache hunt!

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